Hair color is a hallmark of different cultures.
In fact, it is no coincidence that blond hair is much more widespread in Northern Europe than in Mediterranean Europe where instead the brown or black color prevails.
Or that red hair is almost absent in Africa and Asia.
Hair color, only over time, thanks to particular hairstyles, has become an element capable of marking a person's personality traits.
The shape of the hair
Cultures are distinguished not only by the prevailing color of the hair, but also by the shape which varies from ethnicity to ethnicity.
Three types of hair can be identified in particular:
- Cimotrici Hair : they are typical of the Caucasian ethnic groups and are distinguished by their shaft with a large elliptical (oval) section and their wavy or curly conformation;
- Lyxotic hair : they are typical of ethnic groups with dark skin and have a flat section of the stem and a woolly or frizzy conformation;
- Ulotrician hair : they are particularly common among Mongolian and Asian cultures and have a round and smooth section of the shaft.
Hair Colors
The hair number present on our scalp varies according to different pigmentation:
- redheads have the least amount of hair, about 90,000;
- browns and blacks have about 100,000 hairs;
- blonds have the most hair, over 150,000.
But what provides color to our hair? Not Keratin, as many mistakenly believe, but the melanin , a substance that is synthesized by our body in eumelanin (for dark hair) e pheomelanin (for light or red hair).
In dark hair unlike light hair, i melanin pigments they are present not only in the hair cuticle but in the medulla itself, giving the characteristic black or brown hue.
How much light penetrates between the transparent scales of the cuticle also affects the shades and nuances of the hair: the color perceived to the eye also depends on how much light is reflected.
Now let's see in detail the different hair colors and their geographical diffusion.
Individuals who have i Red hair are scientifically defined rutilists and their coloring linked to a recessive gene, is associated with other characteristics such as the presence of freckles and freckles on the skin and light eye color (green or blue).
The reason why there are cultures where red hair is very common (for example Ireland or Scotland) is in all probability linked to exposure to sunlight.
A study by St Andrws University published in 2012 also demonstrates this: the research has in fact underlined how rutilism (or also called erythrism) is explained by a genetic mutation that occurred in some Nordic populations over 20,000 years ago in reaction to climate change and please vitamin D production.
In the past there were also legends that claimed that individuals with red hair brought bad luck and in some cases there were real persecutions of rutilistas which also culminated in murders.
The black colour And brown they are a pigmentation due to a high level of eumelanin and they are the colors of the hair most popular around the world and the cultures.
With different conformations (curly, straight or frizzy) we find black or brown hair among Europeans, Americans, Asians and Africans.
In this case the presence of sunlight is crucial to identify where these colors are more widespread: in Africa or in Central America near the equator we find the higher concentration of people with black hair while in the European population it is the higher the concentration of brown hair .
Obviously black or brown hair is associated more with black or hazel eyes.
People with blond hair they have less synthesis of the pigment eumelanin, responsible for the dark coloring of the hair and have, in most cases, blue eyes.
The blonde shade, with various possible nuances and gradations, is widespread above all in Northern Europe (Scandinavia, Germany, Holland, etc.) even if we find cases of blonde hair in Mediterranean Europe (for example in Sicily) since in the Middle Ages the Vikings conquered many territories Europeans leaving heirs with blond hair.
Generally, blond hair, compared to red and black hair, has a thinner hair type.
Hair color and hair protection
The action instead of the products is aimed at protecting hair and scalp from dehydration and atmospheric agents by giving elasticity , softness And hydration to the hair shafts.
The Reconstruction treatment allows you to deeply nourish the undernourished, thinned and weak hair, also improving the scalp quality and the hair.