The number of women who suffers from hair loss is steadily increasing.
Daily stress and tension, environmental pollution and aggressive cosmetic treatments are just some of them causes .
There hair loss in women takes on even more worrying psychological implications than in men, not only because hair affects the aesthetic pleasure of the face, but also because female baldness is less culturally accepted of the male one.
For a woman, losing her hair means seeing her femininity compromised.

Hair loss and female pattern baldness
The hereditary factor has little impact on female hair loss and the problems caused by imbalance of androgenic hormones it affects only a percentage of menopausal women.
Furthermore, female hormones (estrogens) counteract the action of androgens, producing fewer negative effects on the hair follicles.
In general the hair loss in women it is transitory in nature, provided prompt action is taken by stimulating hair production: in fact, where the follicles are still recoverable, female regrowth it's possible.
Except in cases of exclusive medical expertise, it is possible to improve the habitat of the scalp with trichological treatments specifics that counteract negative factors such as excessive sebum production, dandruff and dry hair scalp.
Women and physiological hair loss
First of all, it must be specified that within certain limits the hair loss in women , as in men, is completely physiological.
It is a natural replacement linked to the hair regrowth cycle , equivalent to the phenomenon which, in the animal world, is called moulting or hair change.
In fact, especially in spring and autumn, there is seasonal hair loss where about 100-300 hairs are lost per day.
However, it may happen that this loss is not self-resolving, but continues over time.
Women's hair loss: Telogen effluvium
Technically it indicates an abnormal hair loss (without the appearance of hairless areas), caused by a psychic or physical stressful event, with the term Telogen effluvium (or effluvium).
It is a phenomenon that mainly affects the woman and consists of a temporary increase in the number of hairs that fall out in the telogen phase (at the end of the growth phase).
This process is the consequence of an accelerated transition from the anagen phase to the catagen phase and finally to the telogen phase.
The fall affects the entire scalp, including the sides and back of the head. The hair that falls out grows back when the effluvium phenomenon ends and therefore is not lost permanently; but if the fall is significant it can cause visibly thinning hair .
The telogen effluvium can be of 2 types:
It manifests itself with a strong hair loss , generally limited in a short period of time, in which the follicles with a regular regrowth cycle prematurely enter the telogen phase.
These episodes can be induced by taking certain drugs (anticoagulants, thyroid drugs, drugs for the nervous system, antihypertensive agents, etc.), or by diseases (anorexia, cancer, etc.);
Cases of women suffering from intense and chronic hair loss without a recognized cause are not rare.
This type of hair loss is distinguished from other temporary falls by its persistence over time and a tendency to recur at different times of the year.
This phenomenon is very stressful for women who interpret it, rightly, as a risk of premature baldness.
Generally these episodes are reversible, even if a particular weakening of the hair is always observed.
This is why it can become essential that the hair and scalp are cared for and protected.
An accurate hygienic practice using products for hair loss it will be essential to purify the scalp, eliminating sebum residues and other skin disorders, so that the hair follicle will be free and will start producing stronger and healthier hair again.

Excessive hair loss in women
Hair must be treated with all the respect we dedicate to any other part of our body.
They suffer when we take little care of them, when we stress them with perms, dyes or highlights, when we don't have proper nutrition or are stressed and anxious.
Unfortunately many women underestimate the "alarm bells" that herald a excessive and abnormal hair loss and rely on "do-it-yourself" remedies, commercial products or bad hair lotions, which often worsen the delicate balance of the scalp.
We must therefore proceed with caution; at the first warnings of hair loss , in the presence of persistent itching on the head or scalp pain , oily hair or dandruff, it is really advisable to rely on specific treatments for hair loss , a valid remedy that allows many women to keep their hair healthy and beautiful.
Now let's see in detail what are the main causes of hair loss in women.
Hair loss in women: triggering causes
It is commonly believed that the amount of hair falling out is the main parameter to evaluate the health of the hair.
In reality what matters is the quality of hair regrowth .
If our hair maintains an almost constant mass and quality over time, we don't need to worry about the amount of hair we see falling out during washing or getting stuck to the comb, because it means that the lost hair is replaced by the growth of new hair.
If this is not the case, it means that there is a hair health problem the causes of which can be various:
Fever can be one of the causes of female hair loss as it can lead to increased hair loss 8-10 weeks after the episode; hair loss is usually moderate and always reversible.
Fever, which leads to an increase in metabolic activity, probably interferes with the replication capacity of the follicle matrix cells, preventing them from proliferating normally.
Endogenous pyrogenic substances, such as interferon α and γ can in fact slow down the rate of proliferation of follicular cells.
During the period of pregnancy the anagen phase is prolonged and, as a result, the percentage of hair in this phase progressively increases until it reaches about 10% more in the final trimester.
After giving birth, the trend reverses and many hairs in the Anagen phase enter the Catagen phase and then Telogen.
In the period between the first and fourth month after the birth of the baby, shedding increases because there is much more hair in the Telogen phase, i.e. the phase in which the hair is ready to fall out. The phenomenon will continue for several months and may even be more intense in presence of aggravating factors such as postpartum trauma, bleeding and decreased plasma protein levels.
Full recovery usually occurs in 4-12 months.
There postpartum hair loss it is more marked in the frontal area and in the temporal regions, but can also be generalized, never total.
It tends to be less evident in pregnancies following the first.
It is believed that 30% of women who lose their hair before the age of 50 are due to food shortages of various kinds.
These favor the weakening and persistent hair loss . Overall hair thinning is a somatic consequence of nutrient deficiency.
In fact, it is very important to always follow a balanced diet that provides the right amount of vitamins and proteins , essential for keeping the hair healthy and preventing it from falling out.
The decision to drastically reduce one's diet especially in young women is not unusual; Overweight teenagers often undergo diets based on fruit and vegetables, completely devoid of protein.
Women with very strict food tastes, on the contrary, in some cases they do not take sufficient vitamins and trace elements.
In these conditions the health of the hair can be compromised and cause a hair loss abnormal and worrying.
There is likely to be a significant correlation between the level and duration of thyroid dysfunction (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism) with the severity of the phenomenon of hair loss in women .
Treating the problem in good time it is completely reversible if, however, the thyroid alteration continues for a long time it can lead to atrophy of some of the follicular units.
Women subjected to surgical interventions with prolonged anesthesia and heavy blood loss, may be affected by intense hair fall .
This happens because a surgical operation is a source of great stress for the body, with the possible consequence that the hair loss, about 3 or 4 months later, increases abruptly.
This event is usually self-healing and regrowth usually occurs within 4 months.
When the body is subjected to stress, certain hormones are produced, including cortisol, to ensure that the body is ready to respond with an adequate amount of adrenaline, in order to deal with a situation that requires an immediate physical response.
If these hormones are produced continuously, their level in the blood rises drastically and this can also have important repercussions on the health of the hair.
In fact, the production of certain substances is inhibited, including those that promote hair growth.
Therefore, acute states of anxiety, psychological trauma and depression are sometimes causes of stress-psychogenic alopecia .
Excessively fine dry and weak hair is occasionally caused by the same factors.
Some aesthetic treatments that are too aggressive and/or repeated over time can damage the hair or scalp.
For example Meches and Shatush they can weaken the hair or cause dermatitis, the perm can damage the shaft while the Extensions can ruin their overall structure.
Hair loss in women: androgenetic alopecia
Female androgenetic alopecia it is a thinning of genetic origin and affects the women who have cases of female members with thinning hair in the family will be more frequently affected by hair loss .
There hair loss in women proceeds in a distinct form from the male one.
In women, the frontal hairline remains intact, while hair loss manifests itself in the form of general thinning of the crown and front of the head.
As for men, androgens (male hormones) also appear to be responsible for Androgenetic Alopecia for women.
In women the amount of these hormones is significantly lower, but due to the menopause , age advancement and other factors, their number tends to increase causing more hair loss.
Other causes of hair loss in women
The women who experience abnormal hair loss should consider other possible non-genetic causal factors :
- Anorexia or bulimia
- Vitamin A excess
- Local viral infection
- Taking or stopping birth control pills
- Drug toxicity (for example the antimitotic used in chemotherapy)
- Hyperthyroidism
- Thyroid or liver disease
- Hepatic or renal obstruction
- ACE inhibitors
- Insufficiency of essential fatty acids
- Amphetamines
- Zinc deficiency
- Anti-cholesterol drugs
- Bromocriptine (used to inhibit lactation)
- Diseases of the ovarian, adrenal or pituitary axis
How to prevent hair loss in women: the remedies
Fortunately, it is possible to find remedies for hair loss in women, restoring the correct physiological balance of the scalp, in case the hair bulbs still produce hair.
When you notice the first alarm bells regarding hair loss, it is good to prevent it from continuing over time.
As you have seen, the causes of hair loss in women they can be many, but for many of them it is possible to intervene promptly by choosing anti-hair loss treatments and shampoos for hair loss.
The best vials for female hair loss contain effective ingredients capable of intervening on the scalp even in case of skin imbalances and abundant hair loss.
They therefore act to restore the correct life cycle of the hair thanks to the action of specific molecules and active ingredients for the health of the scalp.
Among them are:
- Kapilarine
- Camphor
- Ginseng extract
- Panthenol
- Cajeput Essential Oils
- Rosemary
- Ginger
- Menthol
- Fioravanti balm
Elixir Ritual 6, Luxury Shampoo Prodigy
With KOPEXIL, active ingredient indicated for hair prone to falling out.
It cleanses the hair in a non-aggressive way thanks to the use of a mixture of delicate surfactants, for better respect for weak, thin hair prone to falling out, making it easy to comb and smooth.
Enriched with refreshing menthol.
Contains active water of organic blueberry berries with an antioxidant action; active organic hop water with a soothing, moisturizing, antioxidant and collagen protection action.
Caffeine with a reactivating action on the microcirculation and rubefacient, it favors the re-oxygenation of the tissues and cellular metabolism with a consequent improvement in the vital state of the hair bulb, essential oils of Rosemary and Ginger with a toning, reinforcing and reactivating action on the microcirculation; panthenol with strengthening action; vitamin E with protective and antioxidant action.
It is very important to choose valid products to thoroughly cleanse the skin, respecting its physiological balance.
In fact, washing your hair with aggressive products that contain ingredients harmful to the health of the hair can even worsen the condition of hair loss.
Active principles
KOPEXIL extension
Regulates, balances and strengthens hair regrowth.
It has a direct action on LH enzyme inhibition to prevent hair miniaturization.
Strengthens the anchoring of hair in the anagen phase (growth).
It also modulates the hair growth cycle providing maximum efficacy to reduce the hair loss process and stimulate hair growth.
Their color is due to the presence of anthocyanins, antioxidant pigments that have a protective action.
Blueberry berries are abundantly rich in tannins, which represent about 7% of the dry weight, and flavonoids, which are also responsible for high protective antioxidant and anti-radical properties.
Blueberries are also rich in sugars, as well as vitamins of groups A, C and B. The water obtained, rich in the active ingredients described, concentrates their nourishing, regenerating and anti-aging properties.
Rich in various phytotherapeutic elements, such as bioactive glycosides, sesquiterpenes, phytoestrogens, flavonoids, anthocyanins and bioactive peptides, the combination of which is decidedly more effective than the single active ingredient, thus underlining the importance of the phytocomplex, i.e. all of its parts.
It performs an antioxidant and collagen safeguarding action, brings emollience and helps to ensure the right hydro-lipid balance by preventing dehydration; it also carries out a soothing action .
It has a reactivating action on the microcirculation and a rubefacient; it favors the re-oxygenation of the tissues and the cellular metabolism with consequent improvement of the vital state of the hair bulb.
They carry out a toning, reinforcing and reactivating action on the microcirculation, thus promoting the oxygenation of the bulb.
With reinforcing action.
With protective anti-oxidant action.