It is said that “a woman who cuts her hair is a woman who is about to change her life”!
Is it like that for you too?
If you want to change your hair, you can do it in style… This spring's trendy cuts are truly irresistible!
Let's find out what the most popular cuts will be this season!

The first prize, for the most loved and imitated cut, goes to short bobs, followed by medium-length or layered cuts in second place, most enriched by bangs which, long or curtained, are once again a must for this new look spring!
1. The bobsled
The bob will be the undisputed star of next spring.
Natural, jaunty and also very elegant.
It's ideal for those who don't want to dare with a cut that's too short (like the pixie cut) because the length doesn't go beyond the height of the chin.
It can be smooth, curly or wavy, worn with or without bangs, with a side or central parting, it is always very refined.
The bob is a perfect type of cut for the office, to go to a party and certainly for the summer holidays (the hair dries in no time).
A variation for the evening could be smooth hair with slightly sticking out ends, the legendary “flipped ends”, which are a reference to the 60s, but are one of the strongest trends this year.
2. Lobs or long bobs
If you want to keep a medium length and still keep up with fashion, the long bob is definitely the one for you.
It is a medium-long variant of the classic bob, hair reaches shoulder height or slightly below.
The long bob was very fashionable in the 60s, but given its versatile and refined nature, today there are many women who choose this type of cut.
It is very wearable on both straight and curly hair and is ideal for those with thin hair who want to give it more volume.
You can play with the parting, bringing it to the center or to the side, a bit asymmetrical!
3. Pixie cut
The pixie cut, the short bob par excellence, became famous in the 50s thanks to the enchanting Audrey Hepburn of "Roman Holiday", and is still highly appreciated by many stars.
It is perfect for those who want a gritty haircut, able to enhance the features and give character and personality.
It frames the face perfectly and is very practical.
It is typically shorter at the back and sides of the head and longer at the top.
Whether it's layered, with a slightly rock soul, or shorter, in a preppy style, or wavy, it gives femininity and charm; and it is a trend that will be the star of next spring/summer.
4.Bowl cut
It became emblematic in the 60s thanks to the designer Mary Quant, the creator of the miniskirt, but still today it stands out on the heads of many stars with different color variations (the deep black or platinum blonde versions are certainly very rock!).
But be careful, this cut is particularly suitable for those with a thin face and straight hair.
To make it more lively you can straighten your hair with a straightener and apply a modeling gel to round the ends.
If you too want a change and want to "dirty" your look, I'll wait for you, I'll find the most suitable cut to embellish your face!